Friday, July 23, 2010

Anthony Krysiewicz

One of the original Midnight Movie goers and has been doing so since 2008, but has been watching movies for as long as I can remember. I really got into film and dissecting them when I started working at movie theaters at a young age, just on Rotten tomatoes alone I have reviewed over 1900 films. Since watching so many films I find my self getting more picky with my selection of good films. I also own my own Small business and I am in the process of opening a Sporting goods store in Lynchburg Virginia with another Midnight member. I have been married since Nov 08 and had my first child on Jan 2 2010.When it comes to movies Im a fan of; Jackie Brown, Dial M for Murder, Watchmen, Wizard of Oz, Howard the Duck, Inglorious Bastards, The Matrix, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Rocky, and so on and so on!

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